
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Saying Good-bye

I haven't really discussed it much,  but my husband's father passed away this summer. A few weeks ago we traveled to Sunderland, Massachusetts, to say our final good-byes.

Sunderland is a lovely little town on the banks of the Connecticut River. The kids and I had never been there before, and while it was a sad reason for a visit, we enjoyed getting to explore his old stomping ground.

We laid him to rest in the most beautiful cemetery I've ever seen. There was just something about the light through the leaves that day. It was lovely.

He served in the Navy during the very end of the Korean War, so he was buried with military honors.

And while I know you didn't know Dick, know that he would have appreciated being laid to rest near a patch of brussel sprouts, a corn field, and in view of the church where he married the love of his life. You can read his full obituary here.

Rest in peace Grampie;
we love and miss you...

1 comment:

  1. I so wish we had been able to be there for Uncle Dick's services. He was always special to me, and as a child, I was very fascinated by the way he and my dad looked so much alike! Now that my father has just passed, I feel we have lost two incredibly special brothers, fathers, and grandfathers. I hope they have been reunited with each other, their mom, dad, and Martha.


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