
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Halloween 2019

This year we were lucky enough to have friends come up from Lansing to celebrate Halloween with us. They moved off the Island a number of years ago, but their mom and I have managed to get the kids together once or twice a year ever since.

This year I had a D&D character - a rogue. K put a lot of time into creating her costume. She had a clear vision and worked hard to bring it to life through thrifted (and then altered) items. D&D is serious business but don't let that face fool you - she was thrilled withher creation.

I also had a Laughing Jack - a macabre clown. My son also knew exactly what he wanted to do. You should have seen him walking around the fabric store looking for the items to make each part of the costume. Finding the feather boas for the shoulders made his day!

S has gotten into horror (think Stephen King) and really enjoyed creeping people out with his costume. Luckily, he hasn't lost his sense of humor. 

As for candy, 2019 was an average year. The four kids brought home between 7.4 and 9.8 pounds of candy each (about 3 kg - 4.5 kg.)  Given that they all went together to the same houses, I'm not sure why there was such a difference between their hauls.  By far S's favorite item this year was the blood bag. I'm not sure if they came from Amazon, but that's exactly what they looked like; except these were filled with a thick blood-red sugary liquid. It was all I could do to watch S slurp it down...

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