
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Rescue Boat - Icelandic Style

My husband (and a number of other awesome people) volunteer on Mackinac Island's Rescue Boat - I thought they might appreciate seeing one of their Icelandic counterparts...

The Ásgrímur S. Björnsson is owned and operated by the Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue (sometimes referred to as The Accident Prevention Company.) It sounds like ICE-SAR and its volunteers keep fairly busy, especially in the winter. They have a great program to help keep tourists safe up in the highlands; you can meet with them and register your trip. That way they know where you'll be, or at least where you're supposed to be. Plus, you can rent a personal locator beacon to use if you get into any trouble. At eight euros per day, or 50 per week, it sounds like a great deal.

This ship is one of 13 vessels ICE-SAR uses.

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