
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Getting There is Half the Fun, Right?

We're in Iceland! (Well, the kids, my parents and I are - my poor husband had to stay home.) I'm still pinching myself - we're really here!  All went well with the beginning of our journey to Iceland. The horse-drawn taxi was on time, we crossed into Canada at the Soo easily, and our flight to Toronto was early. And then we saw this in the Toronto airport:

Ugh! Cancelled... really?

So we walked up to the counter to investigate our options. While checking her computer the lovely Air Canada Lady looked quite perplexed.

"Hmmmmmmmmm. It's not cancelled," she said, "You're just going to stop in Newfoundland to refuel." She assured us the board was wrong and told where to find our gate. A while later an announcement came over the loud speaker:

"Due to the weather conditions in Iceland, there is a possibility the plane will be diverted. If that happens, the closest airport is in Scotland. The additional fuel we are picking up at Deer Lake is  to get the plane to Scotland, if necessary. We will keep you apprised of the situation throughout your flight."

So, we waited and listened for announcements. The Toronto airport is quite nice, so the wait wasn't bad at all. The airplane was another story. We flew on an Airbus 319M, which was the most uncomfortable plane I've ever flown on. My poor dad spent the entire flight with his knees wedged into the seat in front of him because there just wasn't room for his legs.  My dad is six feet tall, so I have no idea how they seat people who are over six feet tall on the plane. Luckily, my daughter and I had an empty seat in our row so we got to spread out a little. 

We made it; safe and sound, and after a little sleep we get to start exploring this amazing country.

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