
Friday, August 16, 2019

Driving in Iceland

According to my dad, who did all our driving, driving in Iceland was easy.

In Reykjavik,  it was like driving in most other big cities, except that I was unable to accurately pronounce most of the street names.

Out in the countryside, it was completely different.

Sometimes, you didn't see another car for miles,

at other times you had to wait a minute or two to get across the bridge.

All the rules of the road were well posted.

As were the warnings. I'm not sure why my camera didn't capture the lights in the sign, but it gave the wind direction, speed, temperature and wind gust speed for the road ahead. In fact, Icelanders can check road conditions, in real time, before they leave home. (Follow the link and then click on one of the little camera icons to see what the road looks like.)

Most of these "Closed" gates were topped with lights. During the summer they are kept covered with tarps, so I was thrilled to see this one near Gullfoss waterfall. It was right where the paved road changed to gravel. (Sorry for the poor picture - I was shooting right into the sun.)

We didn't have a car like this one, so we stuck to the main roads.

Most of the time, I just sat in the car and was amazed by the beauty of Iceland. Something like this was around every turn...

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