
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur

Bæjarins beztu pylsur means "Best hotdog in town."

Look at that line, they must be really good.

Ooooh, look; it's our turn.

We'd like five. With everything. (Everything includes: a brown sweet mustard and mayonnaise on top, plus chopped onion and crushed up french fried onion on the bottom. I loved the brown sweet mustard, and I found it in the grocery store. Sadly I don't think I can sneak it home in my carry on.

 We all agreed,

they were delicious.

There isn't a single McDonald's in Iceland. We didn't see any Burger Kings or Taco Bells either. Which was OK since we wouldn't have eaten there anyway; one of our "travel rules" is we never eat anywhere that we can eat at home. We did however see one KFC. (At a gas station, on the ring road, just on the edge of Reykjavik, in case you're wondering.)  Hotdog stands, on the other hand, are all over the place.  They're quick, fairly inexpensive, and make a great lunch.

1 comment:

  1. We gave in to the novelty and ate at the Chuck Norris Bar at the capitol. Not very authentic, but cute and had good burgers. We also visited the museum on Laugavegur street, but it that was not on your tour it was no great loss.


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