
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Dungeons & Dragons Birthday

It's hard for me to believe my daughter is now a teenager! Thirteen...

This year she asked for a Dungeons & Dragons themed party. This winter her dad started running a game for the kids and a couple of their friends, so she's been all about D&D lately.

For this dinner, I tried to make the dining room look like a dungeon, complete with chains and lurking baby dragons. Each guest got a character and had to roll the dice several times during the meal. (The kids loved watching Grandma roll for initiative.)

This birthday makes me think back to the first birthday K had after I started blogging - her third

Back then I wrote, "K is such a little person now - full of personality and confidence. Despite my best efforts, she is not an adventurous eater and bread in its many forms is her favorite food. She loves baby dolls, being read to, her new little princesses, pretending to be a puppy, her umbrella and her pillow. And I love her with all my heart and soul. Despite all her faults (that all came from her father - not me!) - her temper, the battles over cleaning up the toys, and her heavy handedness when she deals with her brother, I adore her. She is my little bug, and she's three."

As much as things have changed, others have stayed the same. She still loves books, walking in the rain and she still fights cleaning up. She's a wonderful artist, hasn't met a stuffed animal she doesn't love and is usually able to find the silver lining when she has a bad day. I'm regularly impressed with her vocabulary, her quick wit and her good grades. I am so proud of the young woman she is becoming.

Happy birthday, K. I love you!

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