
Tuesday, February 12, 2019


It has been one blustery day on Mackinac. We had blizzard-like conditions pretty much all day  long. Usually I can see the mainland and the bridge when I look out my classroom window, but not today. This afternoon I couldn't see past the playground equipment.

It was so windy and snowy, I had a huge drift outside of my classroom window. Main Street and Grand Blvd, by the school, were badly drifted as well. Driving a snowmobile, in a white-out, makes snow drifts really hard to see...

Not only was it a white-out on the island, but visibility on the Mackinac Bridge was awful, too. The Bridge Authority closed the bridge at about 1:15 pm due to a car accident and have kept it closed due to the weather conditions. It's about 7:15 pm now and it's still closed. I'm so glad I don't need to leave the island until next weekend. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we still aren't having weather like this!


  1. Whoa! The drifts against the window are kind of pretty, until you have to drive in them. Stay safe and warm!

  2. Enjoyed your post, we have just moved to an island, on a lake.Certainly a different way of life.


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