
Friday, June 29, 2018

Two Doors Down

The kids and I love sweets. (My mom does too, but she's better at saying no to them than we are.) One of our favorite things to do when we're traveling is to try new things. New sweet things makes us happy. Finding a bakery two doors down from our house made us very happy.

We can tell you their croissants are very good,

as are their waffles,

but the tompouce is delicious! Tompouce is a pastry common in the Netherlands and Belgium. It's a layer of creamy custard in between two layers of  pastry. Typically they're topped with a layer of icing and sometimes whip cream. The hardness of pastry makes them a challenge to eat, because when S tried to take a bite, the custard started oozing out the sides. It didn't matter - it was worth the challenge. It was so good, I think I may have to make some when we get home. 

Bakkerij Kwakman, Leidsestraat 81, 1017 NX Amsterdam

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