
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Mackinac Problems

A week or so ago we invited a few friends over to celebrate Allen's 50th birthday. I planned the food, I planned the beverages, I planned the entertainment. However, I forgot to think about where I could stash all the snowmobile helmets. It really surprised me - I am a total planner and I don't usually forget details like that. Plus, this is my 25th Mackinac winter, so you'd think I would have encountered this before. Apparently not.

My takeaway from the evening - we really need to have people over more often!


  1. Not something I would have thought to plan on...great photo!

  2. Didn’t need to worry about helmets until less than 10 years ago! But I like your solution.

  3. Out here on the opposite coast it is rain gear in the winter that we run out of spaces for, especially on wet nights!

    Love the picture.


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