
Friday, October 6, 2017

Sunrise Kayaking

A week or so ago we were lucky to get to participate in a sunrise kayaking trip.  And while hauling our half asleep selves down the hill at 6:00 am on a Sunday was a bit of a challenge, the sunrise did not disappoint.

After a quick tutorial  on maneuvering and paddling we were off. S and I in one kayak, with my mom and K in another.

It was such a wonderful morning to be out on the water; it was calm as could be. We even got to watch the beavers swimming in the cove. There wasn't enough light to get a decent picture, but it was pretty amazing to silently float along as they swam around us.

Did I mention the sunset? It was beautiful...


I may not have gotten good photos of the beavers, but my friend, Mary, managed to catch them...


  1. Love being on the water in a kayak - late evening is my favourite.

  2. I love your first photo....absolutely stunning!


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