
Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween 2017

Anyone who knows us, knows we love Halloween. So I shouldn't have been surprised when the kids saw these giant heads at Wal-Mart (back at the beginning of September) they begged to get them. At $19.99 each, I couldn't resist. All I had to do was make a couple of fleece suits (which was easy after I managed to find the directions that went with the pattern I had.) 

It's a good thing it's chilly this time of year in Northern Michigan, because both kids were overheating in those heads when we went trick-or-treating through town on Saturday.  Luckily, a little sweat didn't stop the fun...

Of course, I had to get in on the action, too. This year all the teachers at the school decided to go as trolls. I kind of like the giant pink wig I made; it's rather slimming, don't you think? I followed the basic tutorial I found here, although I did the hairline differently - and I added the ears.

Just wait until I get a picture of Allen in his Troll outfit. His hair and beard match!


  1. Very fun!!! all of you..... and to think you have a whole year to dream about the "recycle" of big heads.....

  2. The dab! I know that move, as I get randomly "dabbed" by the large teenager in my house :)

    Great costumes, as always!


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