
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

It's Not Everyday a Wizard Turns Eleven

Since my daughter was turning eleven we just had to celebrate Harry Potter style. After we turned the dining room into the Great Hall with spell books, owls, and snakes,

my husband made the cake, The Monster Book of Monsters, out of homemade modeling chocolate. (Yeah, he's that awesome!)

The best thing about this party was I was able to borrow or inexpensively make almost everything. (Kind of handy that we had March is Harry Potter Month at school a couple of years ago. Oh yeah, and that I'm a hoarder.)

My favorite part, was the "bewitched" candles (translate that to: suspended from clear Command adhesive hooks with fishing line.) I made them out of toilet paper tubes, hot glue, white spray paint and cheap battery powered tea lights. They looked really cool.

It still hasn't hit me that she's eleven. When did that happen???

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