
Friday, November 11, 2016


Change often comes hard to those of us who live on Mackinac. There is a certain predictability to our lives, and many of us like it that way. Not all mind you, there are those who thrive on drama, but I'm not one of them. 

There is something comforting about routine - I like it. This week a 138 year Mackinac Island routine came to an end when the Arnold Transit Company closed its doors. 

Star Line bought Arnold - they bought the boats, the docks, everything but the freight end of the business. Sure I know the boats will keep running, but lots of things are up in the air. I can't even imagine how the Arnold employees are feeling right now. My rational brain realizes these things happen every day, but my heart feels just a little bit sad at the thought of such a long-running business closing its doors.  

I know I often griped about the slow boat, but you always got me home safely. Thank you, Arnold Line, for 32 years of safe travels. 


  1. I'm so sad to hear this. I've never taken any other ferry line but Arnold.

  2. Ah, change is not always welcomed or wanted. I hope the employees will be taken care of by the new company.

  3. I have to agree with your post 100%. Sad to see Arnold Line go.


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