
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Good Old Days

I've been having some fun lately digging through the boxes of photographs I've collected over the years. I could sit there for hours looking at them; sometimes giggling and other times feeling frustrated that somehow dates were never written on the back.

Luckily, when it comes to photos of my childhood, I can often narrow the date based on one huge family event: my brother was adopted in 1980 - the year I turned 10. I'm thinking the picture above (with our dad) was taken not that long after he arrived - maybe the summer of 1980,  and the one below a few years later - maybe 1982 ish (with our cat Sybil.)

I feel like I got the best of both worlds when it came to childhood. I had ten years to experience what it was like to be an only child, and then in an afternoon I went from being an alone to being a big sister. (My brother was eight when he came to the US from Korea.) While we may have fought and bickered like typical siblings, I'll take having a brother to being an only child any day. Though, I'm not sure how I feel about us having matching haircuts. Ugh!

1 comment:

  1. Aw look how cute!!! I was an only child for 11 years, then my baby brother came along - and guess who got stuck babysitting, lol! I used to fall asleep in school, because he cried for the first six months of his life. Gosh I didn't like him at all. Thankfully that didn't last, and we're very close today.


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