
Tuesday, June 30, 2015


As I've been blog hopping lately, I've fallen in love with these. There's just something about them. (Perhaps they remind me of the good-old-days when I use to sit in the Indian Dormitory making coiled raffia baskets for the island tourists.) As soon as I saw Maya's baskets, I had to try it. I had some laundry cord on the shelf in my sewing room and beads left over from a few years ago

The whole process was easier than I anticipated, but I think I need a heavier cord - the basket isn't as sturdy as I'd like. Plus the upper edge is a bit wonky and I think with a larger gauge cord it wouldn't be as noticeable.

All in all, not a bad first try, but I think the next one needs handles...


  1. Super cute! Don't you love finding easy DIY crafts like that! It turned out really nice! :)

  2. Very cool! And also inspiring! You did a great job!

  3. Very nice finish for a first one!


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