
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The New Normal

We're all trying our best to get use to the "new normal" -  life without our dear sweet Sushi. Her little body just couldn't keep going any longer and, sadly, we lost her on Friday. When the vet started saying things like, "End stage organ failure," as hard as it was, we knew we had to say goodbye.

Needless to say, it's been hard on the kids; they've never known life without her. It's been easier for me. I remember the 18 pound (about 8 kg) cat she used to be before her thyroid stopped working correctly. I remember the sweet kitty we met at the shelter 13 years ago; so curious that she stuck out her paw to grab me as I walked past her cage. As soon as we let her out, she walked right over to get to know us better- dog and all.

She will be sorely missed....


  1. LIZ! I am so deeply sorry for your loss! We had to put our sweet precious Oreo (who looks so much like your Sushi) to sleep on Thursday. It has been devastating as there are reminders of Oreo all over our home. My emotions have been raw. I never thought I'd get so attached to a pet. I was an emotional wreck for four days. We had a wonderful family talk on Sunday and I think we all finally found a little closure and peace is starting to come. So we totally relate to your "new normal"'s so hard. Our Oreo had complete urinary tract blockage and his liver/kidneys were shutting down. It all happened so fast and I think that's what was the hardest, as we didn't see it coming. Sending you guys hugs and love! Take care... Melody

  2. Losing a pet is so hard, for all of us not just the kids! They become such a part of our homes and lives. Sushi was well-loved, and that matters a great deal.
    Hope you all continue to adjust and enjoy the memories.

  3. Oh, so sorry to hear your sad news. I still get teary-eyed when I remember my last beautiful kitty (and it's been nearly 10 years since I lost her) so I can really understand how you are all feeling. They do fasten on to our heart-strings, don't they? Its good that you have some lovely photos to help you remember your gorgeous puss.

  4. What a beautiful cat! This is never easy. The memories will last forever. All the best to your family.

  5. I am so sorry for your family's loss. We went through the same thing with our dog last year. My girls knew her their whole life. It was hard to watch your babies go through the grief.


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