
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lantern Lit Ski for Kids

Earlier this week Sue arranged a lantern-lit ski for the island kids. It was so cool. She had "real" oil lanterns every few hundred feet all the way from Greany Grove to Arch Rock.

There was a great turn out!

You may be surprised, but almost all the island kids in kindergarten through third grade have skis. They were purchased with grant money and are provided to the kids by the school. During the week the skis "live" at school, but on weekends they can go home. Gym class this time of year often involves a quick ski, and our city recreation department regularly arranges hour-long after school skis as well.

My daughter, K, has been skiing all winter long. She loves it and has gotten pretty darn good. She actually did this particular ski with two right boots. (There had been a small mix-up at school, so one of her friends skied with two left boots.) My son has been involved in the school dance team and hasn't been able to go out skiing - until this week.

I tried to get him to tell me what he thought of skiing, but all I could get out of him was, "It was fun," which was very strange because usually he's quite the chatterbox. Apparently, tonight, he was a man of few words.

The ski was a great success - I'm sure in part due to the roaring fire, hot cocoa and marshmallows that greeted the group when they returned to Greany Grove. Quite a few of the kids  are already asking Sue when they can do it again; although, next time they want to do it in the dark.


  1. How fun is that! What a great way to get some winter exercise!

  2. Love, love, this. I want to go too! I vote for the dark too! Lanterns....what a neat idea.


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