
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Heritage Day

Yesterday was the first Heritage Day Party on Mackinac. Designed as a day for locals to get together, relax and share old photos, it wasn't really advertised.  From two until five there were kids games outside and lots of photographs and good conversation inside. A number of folks brought out stacks of old pictures and family albums, while others literally took pictures off the walls. I've only been here 21 years and it was a nice walk down memory lane for me - I can only imagine how wonderful it must have been for the folks my parent's age. 

The afternoon was on the quiet side with adults chatting and kids wandering in and out, but after five, the band came out and people let their hair down. Well, I'm assuming they let their hair down - the kids and I left a little after four. We had to get home and get ready for sleepovers...

1 comment:

  1. too bad someone didn't bring a scanner... would have been a great opportunity for the library to add to the archive. Actually, the library should host the next one and do just that!!!!


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