
Monday, February 11, 2013

I Wonder...

I took this picture after school one day last week while the kids and I watched an otter play out on the edge of the ice. Of course he disappeared under the ice as soon as I managed to get my camera out, but looking at the ice got me wondering. Some days it looks so blue.

But then, on other days, it doesn't look blue at all. (This picture is from several years ago.) I've tried to notice whether there is a relationship between the color and the sun, but as of yet, I haven't found a pattern. My current theory is that the color has something to do with the thickness of the ice.

Of all the photos of Straits ice I've taken over the years, this one is, by far, my favorite. I took it back in 2008 - The Quilted Turtle hadn't even had its first birthday yet. As I worked on this post I had fun looking back at my old ice photos;

I never really thought about how different the ice is from year to year...


  1. Beautiful pictures!!

    Your post reminded me of a book I read : Ice by Pauline Couture. You can find my book review here:

  2. Hard for me to gauge the thickness of the ice. How thick was it the day they parked the snow-machine and walked I wonder?
    Sheila - Escanaba

  3. The blue ice is so pretty. I've been catching up on your previous posts also. I'm glad those guys didn't lose their snowmobiles when they parked them on the ice. Happy early Valentine's Day!!

  4. I just found a website that does some explaining about the different ways ice is formed on a lake and I thought about this post. I think it might explain why it looks different at different times. the link is :


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