
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fishy Fun

The kids and Papa have been spending time recently out on the Grand Hotel pond. It's the perfect place to get outside and have a little winter fun.

OK, maybe the fun wasn't quite so little after all. Given all the fertilizer we assume they use the course during the summer we don't eat any of the fish from the pond, but they're still fun to catch and release. Who says there's nothing fun to do on Mackinac Island in the winter time...


  1. Looks like fun to me!
    I just love your blog Liz...makes me feel connected to the island all year round when I can't be there visiting. Thanks for writing it. One day...I keep saying one day...I truly believe we may have a place of our own there...the island has such a special place in our heart. Thanks again!

  2. I didn't know the grand stocked their pond. What fun for A and the kids. It's been YEARS since I've been ice fishing.

  3. Grand doesn't do anything with the pond except weed control. There is an unofficial local management plan, however. The pike are taking over, unfortunately. We tried fishing there again yesterday but there was an otter hunting under the ice so the fish were not biting.


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