
Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Dinner Fairy

I don't know about you, but when I get home from work, I'm done; exhausted.  I want to sit down put my feet up and have the Dinner Fairy make dinner magically appear, which, of course, never seems to happen. So today I decided to try my hand at being the Dinner Fairy...

In just under three and a half hours I managed to make six casseroles to freeze and then pop into the oven when I get home from work next week. Two lasagnas, this, thisthis and this are now safely tucked away in the basement freezer, just waiting for their turn at the dinner table. 

The only down side is,

now I have this to clean up...


  1. The dishes are always the worst part! But now you won't have to worry about cleaning up when you heat up the casseroles for dinner!

  2. When I was working, I never used my crock pot. Now that I am retired but work as an artist from home I use it all the time. You can put soup together in 10 min. and have it simmer all day. Yesterday I cooked a pork shoulder and made pulled pork-yum. You could always cut up all the fixins for soup the night before and pop it in before school-just a thought.

  3. Good for you Liz. I just printed out the King RAnch Chicken Casserole. Can't wait to try it. Thanks

  4. I call foul! Dinner does, indeed, just appear for you. Frequently! You just hate figuring out what to cook on those nights it doesn't magically appear.

  5. Those look delicious! My husband won't eat anything that starts with spinach, but we may have to try the others. Especially the King Ranch. Freezing meals sounds good too, a great idea on those long work days. :) Happy weekend! Oh, and love the iron skillet. I have one just like it and use it nearly everyday.


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