
Monday, January 7, 2013


Our Christmas break this year was absolutely delightful. (Well, except for the part when everyone got sick.) It was so nice to visit family, do a little shopping, and read. Despite the wonderful times I have off the island, I'm always ready to come home. I guess I am just a home body at heart. I am quite content to be puttering around the house in my jammies all day long. How about you - would you rather be in or out?

Saturday I did take some time to go out and get some pictures of the fort. I just love how she looks all covered in snow. Right now, as I sit and listen to the wind howling outside, I can't even imagine what it must have been like for the soldiers stationed there in the late 1700s. I might have very different feelings about living on Mackinac Island if I had to deal with that!


  1. I really relish the winter days I get to stay in my jammies all day, especially watching the snow fall outside! I'd have never made it on the island back then, give me central heating or give me Florida, lol!

  2. Out if it's not bitter cold. In when the wind is howling. Wish we would get a dump if snow here for the snowmobiles and lakes. Sheila - Escanaba.

  3. I am such a home-body! Especially after teaching first graders all day long. I love to sit by the fire and read a good book.


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