
Friday, December 21, 2012


I know virtually everyone was unhappy about the gigantic storm that hit the mid-west yesterday. But, I've got to tell you, many of us on Mackinac Island are thrilled! We had a few days of snow back in late November and early December, but by the end of the Christmas Bazaar we were back on our bicycles. You can imagine how happy we were to hear that a "huge storm" was heading our way carrying with it 10 glorious inches of snow (about 25 cm.) Remember, most of us don't have to drive in it.

So I walked to school on Friday morning, watched it rain during most of the morning, and by the end of the day my husband was able to pick me up on the snowmobile. We went from mud and grass to a beautiful winter wonderland in less than 12 hours. 

Though they did end up canceling the last boat of the day on Thursday due to the storm and a few folks did get stranded on the Mainland, and then on top of that, the power in St. Ignace went out for three hours. And because of all the heavy wet snow lots of tree branches broke, so the fire department was out half the night  cutting trees and clearing the roads. (Thanks guys!) I suppose if I had to deal with all that, this post would have ended up being quite different. Thankfully, I was happily snuggled on my couch, reading under a warm fleece blanket. It was always one of my biggest fears that I would get stranded on the mainland, in the middle of winter, with a toddler and no clean clothes or diapers. Luckily it only happened once and then it was only for four or five hours and not overnight.

Now I just hope it stays cold enough for the snow to stick around...


  1. We've had snow, too, but it never sticks around long. I think it has actually warmed up and is raining now.

    Hope yours sticks around!

  2. How beautiful!! We had some heavy wet snow here (Elkhart, Indiana) but it has already started to melt today. I wish it would stick around - literally :-) A very Blessed Christmas to you and your family!!

  3. How truly magical. I enjoy your bog so much, thanks for sharing. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year

  4. Oh my!! These pictures are so gorgeous Liz!!


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