
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Excursion: Cut River Bridge

Last summer we spent an afternoon
skulking around here.
Somehow I never got around to
posting about it...

It was a neat place to spend an afternoon.
You can walk across the bridge and then go explore
the river down below.

We walked along the river down to the lake and
then headed for home.
If you're driving along US-2,
it's worth a look...


  1. I have a ton of pictures from there, I wonder what I did with's a neat place!

  2. I've just caught up on your recent posts ( our computer crashed) and what wonderful ones they are - I loved the photo of the huge fish your hubby caught and also the recipe. Happy Monday!!

  3. Hi Darlin... I haven't commented in a while, so I'm just popping in to say hello. I still love all the posts about your neck of the woods -- so much beauty! And the sweater above is gorgeous. Hope all is well with you this fine August day... xox


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