
Thursday, June 28, 2012


Since we get to live on Mackinac Island, sometimes a vacation for us means leaving the place so many people choose to visit when they get a vacation. This week, the kids and I (and a friend) have been staying at my parent's house in Petoskey. The kids have spent the week immersed in:

art classes here,

throwing rocks in the water here,

exploring the natural world with these kind folks,

and of course what extended trip to the mainland would
be complete without going to the movies?

(photo via)

It was cute - and sit through the credits.
There's a wee bit more at the end.

Tomorrow we all head up to a cabin for a nice quiet
and relaxing weekend here... 

So tell me, what have you been up to lately?


  1. Today was the last day of school, so I've been doing year end awards ceremonies and celebrations, and year end sports activities, and year end field trips!

    And of course it is cold and raining now :)

    But your vacation looks wonderful!!

  2. It sounds as thought you have been having such a wonderful time - with the Grand afternoon and now your vacation time. I've been playing catch up with reading the last several entries.
    Happy 4th of July!!

  3. We just got home from a weekend in Bay City to celebrate my husbands family reunion. Not as exciting as Petosky, but nice none the less. Still working on my Mackinac trip for the summer... :)


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