
Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's the Little Things

Hi there. Yes, it's me. I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted last.  Spring is here, the school year is winding down, (eight days left - but who's counting,) so I should have a bit more free time to update this space. I miss it...

I titled this post about "little things", but that one on
the right really isn't really a little thing...

If you were to ask my seven year-old son why he likes living on Mackinac Island, I'm certain snake catching would be one of his top reasons. He loves to go out into the woods searching for them. Old Burners, the site of the island's old trash incinerator, is, by far, his favorite snake catching spot. (The snakes like to hide under the pieces of scrap metal that are still there.) Usually we come home with four or five snakes, but on this particular day they stopped counting at 10.

This little guy (or girl - I'm not sure how to tell on a snake) was my son's pride and joy; his first ring neck - ever. Apparently they are nocturnal so that's probably why we've never seen one before.  I'm always amazed at how quickly my son can move his hands and grab their little necks. And that he has no fear. None. I try to get them too, but I won't even try it without a pair of gloves. 

Just so you know, we always let the snakes go afterwards - usually in one of my gardens. I encourage them to hang out for a while and have a few slugs for dinner...


  1. You are an amazing mum - I had no idea Mackinac had so many snakes, amazing. Do you have rattlesnakes there too? You got some great pics!!

  2. Awesome! A new activity for our next trip up to the Island. Just the other day my husband said, "I wish we were on Mackinac Island right now." :)

  3. Had these same snakes staying with at the house we rented by the big log one on the island. They were in the wall and would try to get out thru a hole in the door frame. This was 23 years ago when we celebrated our 25th anniversary staying on the island.

  4. Boy heaven!!

    You end school much earlier than we do - we go right to the end of June.

  5. Ha Ha Ha....just wait til I tell my mother!!!! she'll never come to the Island again!!! oh wait...the fact that she hates (and that's putting it mildly) boats stops her already..Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Mom of the Year award for you! I can't stand snakes...freak me out!

  7. Wow! You are one brave mom. I'm not a snake fan in the least, although the one with the band around it's neck is kinda cute :-)

  8. are those snakes real...

  9. Yes, yes they are. I seem to have some kind of creepy crawly critter coming home with my son almost every day.


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