
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Counting: Mackinac Style

Alex over at Moonstitches has inspired me. As she roams the streets of Yokohama, Japan, she manages to capture images of numbers. She hadn't posted since the tsunami hit last year and she and her family relocated, but she's back home and blogging again. Thank goodness.

I thought it might be fun to see what I could find here on Mackinac Island. I probably won't find nearly as many as she does given the size of my town, but I still thought it might be fun. I actually took these pictures last spring, but after Alex quit posting due to the disaster, the idea of posting them just didn't seem right. Now that she's home, it's time to share...

You can take a look at one of Alex's counting series here.
More island counting to come...


  1. How fun is that! Looks like we're coming up again this year - although I hope not for another carriage tour, we've done it twice now and I'd rather just walk around!

  2. you are right Miss Aubrey! this is great blog! :D


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