
Friday, February 24, 2012


Finally it's giveaway time...

I've played with the idea of celebrating my blogging anniversary, but always felt weird about it, although I'm not sure exactly why. This year I decided to bite the bullet and just do it! So, leave a comment with your email address and let me know which one of these fabulous prizes you'd like me to send your way. 

If you've been lurking out there and haven't left a comment before, this would be the perfect opportunity. I'd love to know just how many readers I've got, and who knows, you just might win.

You could choose this 2012 Seasons of Mackinac calendar,

or one of these two hand-appliqued pillow covers.

The navy one is 18 X 18 (about 45.75 cm X 45.75 cm,) the red and green one is a touch smaller at 17 1/4 inches by 17 1/4 inches (about 44 X 44 cm.) Both have a zipper on the back so you can insert a pillow form. I bought them when I was in Egypt, visiting my mom, back in 2010, and had intended to give them away right after I got back, but somehow I never got around to it.  I am willing to ship internationally and will be just as happy if a first time commenter or someone I've known for ages wins. So go ahead and comment - even if you never have before.

Next week, say on Wednesday evening, I'll draw three names and email the winners. Good luck!

On a completely different note, I hear that Arnold Line will begin running again on Tuesday. Wahoo!!  Such good news. Usually this time of year the Straits of Mackinac look like this:

 It's been such an odd winter - we don't really have any ice at all this year. Sure ice chunks blow in and out every few days but there is a lot of open water...


  1. Liz, you can't imagine how much I'd love to win your Mackinac calendar! I grew up west of Newberry, and my mom, a 2nd grade teacher, was a friend in the 1970s of a teacher in your school. Now I live in SW Florida (my husband grew tired of scraping windshields), and I sooo miss the change of seasons. I check your blog daily when I get home from work in order to catch glimpses of northern MI beauty. Oh, yes, I'm a quilter too!

  2. Congrats on your anniversary. It has been a very odd winter. I love the blue edged pillow cover. Yea for the ferry and a way to get on and off the island without flying.

  3. Liz, I would love a calendar. You take great pictures!

    Cathy McAtamney
    1328 Nokomis Way
    Waterford. 48328

  4. Hey Cathy, I want to make sure you know - I don't have any pictures in the calendar. But, it does have 12 great island images!

  5. What a delicious giveaway!

    And happy blog-iversary. I've so enjoyed the science and island connection all this way over on the west coast.

  6. many more to come :-)
    I like the mac calendar

  7. debbiechouinard@yahoo.comFebruary 24, 2012 at 9:04 PM

    Congrats on your anniversary. I spent summers in St. Ignace and got to visit the island often as a teenager. I teach a toddler's class in Escanaba and enjoy reading a teacher's blog of someone who is in the beautiful UP. Keep up the good work.

  8. Congrats on your anniversary! I haven't been commenting much on blogs lately, but I'm still around and checking everyone out. I love the pillow cover on the left...great colors!

  9. I love giveaways, particularly US giveaways that are happy to post internationally! If I was a winner I would be happy with any of the prizes, although the calendar would be my first pick .... or maybe the cushion cover with the cream background .... hmmmmm

  10. Congrats on the blog-iversary! :) Love your blog and getting to see a wee bit into your life on the island...congrats!

  11. What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary. Thanks for sharing the glimpse into your life as a mother, teacher and island dweller.
    Either pillow cover would be wonderful to win.

  12. Hi Liz,
    I just recently found your blog through Gingerbread and Snowflakes. The title caught my attention. What a delight when I opened your page to find you were a Michigander. I, who was born and raised in the middle of the mitten, now live in the northwest. Sometimes my longing for the Great Lakes is immense. So your blog discovery was a true delight.
    Robin from the Roost

  13. Hi Liz,
    I'm so glad that the ferry line will be up and running soon!
    I would love to win one of those beautiful pillow covers. Have a great weekend!

  14. Happy anniversary! I have been lurking for about a year. I'm a retired elementary teacher, crafter, and love the Island! I would love the calendar.

  15. You have a beautiful blog - you're pictures are wonderful. I live in Tennessee and enjoy keeping up with Mackinac through your site. I teach school as well, and this has been my hardest year out of 18. Education is changing, and at 42, I'm looking for the energy to keep up with it all. Hang in there - I pray your school year goes smoother next year.

  16. Oh, I would be happy with either pillow...or the calendar...or one of the pillows...I can't choose!

  17. I have enjoyed your blog for a long time. I live in MI and love Mackinac Island. Thanks

  18. Would love to add the calendar to my sewing room.... The one I have is from a PROPANE company!! lol

  19. You have such a wonderful blog and I enjoy reading about Mackinac Island from a resident's perspective. I am from Illinois but visited Mackinac Island and the Petoskey area as a child. My grandparents had a house on Douglas Lake in Petoskey and my great grandmother owned a boutique in downtown Petoskey, many years ago. With the memories and fascination of northern Michigan, I decided to have my wedding on Mackinac Island on 10-10-10. Being able to read blogs from those who live there or visit, bring back all those memories and makes me feel like I am there!
    Thank you for such a great giveaway, it's very generous of you! I would be happy with any of the items!

    Thank you!
    Stefanie Anderson
    Ogden, IL

  20. I read your blog regularly because I am from Michigan and we LOVE coming to the island and reading your blog keeps us up-to-date. I love the pictures, etc. If I win, I would like a calendar. thank you and keep up the good work.

  21. Hi Liz!
    Great idea with the give-away! I'd love the calendar, thanks for sharing your blog with all of us!


  22. Love your blog and the creative ideas you do with your students. Of course I am a long time lover of Mackinac Island. I would be fine with any of your prizes :-) But if forced to narrow it down.... the red and green pillow. It won't match a darn thing in my house :-)

  23. Happy blogaversary Liz!
    I always look forward to your's so nice to have a link to the island all year when I can't be there visiting! ;)
    Oh yeah, the giveaway...I adore those pillowcases! ;)

  24. Hi Liz!
    Nice giveaway. I'd love to win the blue pillow cover. I remember when you went to Egypt and I would read all about your travels while you were gone.
    Thanks so much. Hope you are having a good Winter. I'm definitely ready for Spring to arrive!
    Lisa Otis
    lisa.otis6 at gmail dot com

  25. Happy blogiversary. It's been so wonderful to have the blog to keep up with your projects and what you and the fam are upto. I'm waiting for a copy of the mag you requested to come in to the lib. Should have it Friday.

  26. Liz, Discovered your blog after finding Bree's Mackinac Island site. I continually follow your posts, but have never commented.We visited the island two summers ago and absolutely loved it. We live in Kentucky so we're about nine hours away. Love reading about all the adventures with your kids and also from your "teacher" stand point. My son teaches science and biology to 5 grades within a small independent school system here in KY. Keep up the good work (in everything you do!!) Would be thrilled with any of the items in your give-a-way.


Thank you for commenting. I'd love to know what you think. I usually respond to comments via email. If your email is linked to your profile or you leave it for me I can respond to you.