
Thursday, November 24, 2011



Today I am feeling very thankful for my husband. He has cooked our entire Thanksgiving feast - single-handedly. Well, I did my part by cleaning the kitchen as he cooked, (it's been through three cleanings so far,) and I set the table. I know, I'm very lucky. He is a much better cook than I am, at least in a modern kitchen. He enjoys cooking where I usually just see it as a chore.

Tonight we will be enjoying: spinach salad, winter fruit salad, baked pineapple, mashed potatoes, rutabaga, green bean casserole (with homemade mushroom sauce) and Beef Wellington with morel mushrooms. (Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin.) For desert we have pecan pie, pumpkin pie and apple pie - all with real whipped cream. I won't be getting on a scale for a while because all those pies average out to a half a pie per person. Yum!


  1. Yummy!! I am in awe of your hubby's superb cooking abilities and your beautiful decorated table.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

  2. Oh! I just got home from work and I'm hungry and oh my this is killing me! By now you are likely in the process of eating it, or already have, so Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Oh all sounds wonderful and I'm sure it was. Your table looks lovely....aren't these treasures from family just wonderful to it...and all of you.

  4. Sounds delicious!!! And the table is beautiful. So nice when we have husbands that we can truly be thankful for. Hope your Thanksgiving day was wonderful!

  5. What a wonderful Husband! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


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