
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mackinac Moments

Fall on Mackinac the year has been delightful. Absolutely delightful! It's been gorgeous - warm and sunny every day for the past two weeks. I'm sure there's rain in our future, but this has been the nicest fall we've had in years.

How have things been in your neck of the woods?


  1. Yea, rub it in. My husband and I are staying on the island Fri and Sat-forcast is rain the whole time. Oh well,

  2. Definitely not as nice as in your neighbourhood!

    We've had very unsettled weather since fall began - a few days of rain, a day of sun, a day of wind, more days of rain.

  3. Liz, we will be up north for opening day and the week that follow. Going back home for Thanksgiving. Would you be interested in coffee with a blog friend?

  4. we've had lots of rain but the past week has been gorgeous. Our leaves are just starting to turn. I imagine Mackinac is just gorgeous.

  5. Fall hasn't arrived yet down here in Macon, GA!!!

    Tony Howd

  6. Liz,
    We were there in Sept., no Fall colors yet, but it was still beautiful!! We had the best time swinging at the school playground and watching the sunset.
    Here, in Alabama, the leaves are just beginning to change. Our temps are dropping into the 30's by Wed or Thur. We have a camping trip planned - in a tent - BRRRR! Have a great week! :)

  7. that indian summer thing was something else wasn't it? the wind stopped blowing this afternoon but still raining and wet. i need to plant my garlic!
    made fresh corn tortillas the other night...had tacos. last night i fried them into chips and we had nachos. i think i will make some chapatis this evening, i havent had hem in years...peanut butter and banana rolled into a chapati...sounds good yeah

  8. Beautiful!
    It has been quite grey here but the temperatures are mild. The summer was so wet that we didn't have any brambles this year! It's been the coldest summer since 1923 apparently and in August we had as much rain as we usually get in a year! Let's hope we'll have a nice, dry, winter ;o)

  9. Our Fall so far has not disappointed! We have had beautiful weather. The last 2 mornings have been crisp and frosty with bright blue skies. The fog sits in patches in the valley and the sun bursts over the hilltops with gorgeous oranges and reds. I love this season!!


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