
Thursday, May 26, 2011


I love living on Mackinac, and one of my favorite things about the island is the sound of freighters. After a long winter without hearing them (the Soo Locks are closed), I can't seem to get enough of those horns. I'm sure some people find that low deep sound annoying, but I find it soothing.

Maybe it's because when I first came to live on Mackinac Island (back in 1989) it was only in the summer time. Mackinac has a way of leaving her mark on your soul; it's hard to explain to people who don't have that connection, but it really is a magical place. So much so, that while I was only here for three months out of the year back then, that first night back in the Mission House* each June, as I lay down in my bed - window open - listening to the sounds of those freighters, I always felt like I had finally come home.

*The Mission House, originally a mission school for native children and later a hotel, is now used as a dormitory for the people who work for Mackinac State Historic Parks. I lived in that building for seven summers and have more wonderful memories than I can count...


  1. "leaving a mark on your soul"...that is EXACTLY what Mackinac Island does. After coming here for the past 17 years with my husband, we still find it as magical each time we're here. We love hiking the trails and thinking of all the rich history the island has to offer. We love to imagine what it was like back so many years ago when we look at all the large trees still standing, thinking those are still the SAME trees that were here back then. I look at my husband every time we're here and say, "Do the people who live here REALLY TRUELY know how blessed they are to live here?" I am still praying & believing that one day...we day, we too may have the opportunity to have a residence here. ;)

  2. We have had a wonderful four days here on the island...we will be taking off tomorrow. Hope you have a wonderful holiday! :)

  3. howz the weather been for u guys? mark sayz our farden is abig mud puddle, cannot rototil or plant... bummer.
    the weather here on kauai is wonderful. getting in alot of ocean swimming anf pool time with tori they redid waimea's pool,less than 5 min away its wonderful.tori has gotten so big. only 3.5 weeks left, thetime is flying by.
    hope all ia well with you and yours.

  4. Every one has a place where they just feel at peace.

    A place that seems to take all the cares a way…

    A place that gives you the strength to continue fighting….

    A place that makes you realize no matter how bad things are, you are strong enough to deal with it….

    A place that encourages you to be a better person…

    A place you feel like the real you….

    Mackinac Island is that place for me.


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