
Monday, March 7, 2011

Future Pharaoh

Wednesday is Ancient Times Dress-up Day at school. Of course, given our family connection to Egypt, my son decided he wanted to dress as a pharaoh. (Sorry about the pixelated face, but I don't put the faces of my children on-line.) All I needed was a little help from mom (who purchased the supplies and shipped them to me), Simplicity pattern 2329, and about four hours of sewing time. Stitching the lining in the curved neck of the outfit was quite a challenge, but a good learning experience. I opted to leave off the cuffs and cape included in the pattern for a more masculine look. Men in ancient Egypt didn't usually wear shirts, but I couldn't see how I could send him to school that way - especially this time of year. I brought the headpiece home after my visit to the Pharaonic Village (in Cairo) back in 2009.

As you can see, my photo editing skills are getting better. I had a lot of fun editing myself out of that pyramid photo and then pasting my son in; so much better than my earlier attempts.

I just love dress-up days...


  1. That turned out so cute! Great job!I'm sure his costume will be a hit! I have to make a costume for my daughter soon as she will be Betsy Ross for a living wax museum project her school is doing, hope I can do half the job you did!

  2. i didnt even think about the pyramid, just seemed natural with the pharoh standing there, until you mentioned it. yeah...its a little nippy to send your kid to school topless and im not sure that passes any dress code at any school no matter how liberal they may be :-) turned out nice and he looks mighty darn happy.
    cant wait to spend time with tori this summer. she wants nana to teach her to sew. we will have 6 weeks to get a start on it. man, i miss my honey girl.


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