
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Back Hat It

The hat bug has bitten once again. I just can't stop making these beanies! I think it's because I keep finding this particular sweater at Goodwill; this is the fourth one. I think I've finished eleven of these hats in the past two weeks. Now I just need to finish up all the flower pins...


  1. really cute! so crafty! it snowed again last night. only two more weeks before i leave for kauai. gonna get salt water up my nose :-)

  2. Oh I LOVE the hat. Sooo cute. You certainly are very talented.

  3. Very nice! and the flower is a nice touch too!

  4. I bought a pair of your mittens and for the first time my hands didn't get cold last winter! I love them.
    My husband also bought a pair but really had to not get girly colors.

    Pat Steele
    Vernon, MI


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