
Sunday, May 25, 2008

I Just Had to Share...

My daughter broke my nose... Can you see it? Don't feel too bad for me - it happened the day after Thanksgiving, and aside from a small bump (that my husband says only I can notice,) I am completely healed. Actually the worst part of the whole thing was about three days later when the ENT doctor put his thumbs on each side of my nose and pushed the fractured piece back into place... Youch! Try preparing yourself for that. Three-fourths as painful, my ass! Anyway...

I was at the hospital for a mammogram on Friday and I thought I'd look into how much it would cost to get a copy of the X-ray so I could put it in K's baby book. "If you can give me 10 minutes," the lady said, "I'll burn it for you." The hospital doesn't charge for copies and now I have the two X-rays as jpeg files on a CD. How cool is that?

Also cool - Mars Phoenix has successfully landed on Mars. The science geek in me is very excited. We are watching the landing live on the NASA channel...

5-26-08 Edited to add the "Back Story:"

It was totally innocent... Grandma, Grandpa, S, K, and I were all snuggling in Grandma and Grandpa's bed the morning after Thanksgiving (as we often do in the morning since the house is chilly until Grandpa can get the fire going to warm up the house.) K was happy and bouncy and just happened to jump down and smack the back of her head into my nose.

Blood went everywhere... Grandma swooped in and removed K while she covered my face with paper towels - after she took off my glasses. She was worried that the the glasses' nose piece had cut my eye (since it was filled with blood - I couldn't see out of it,) so she took me to the emergency room. Luckily it was just blood in my eye - once they cleaned it up the doctor could see that the eye was fine. Thank Goodness for happy endings.


  1. I got tears in my eyes just thinking about how much having that pushed back into place must have hurt....You were very brave!
    Too funny that you are going to put it in her baby book. Hope you are having a great long weekend.

  2. totally see the fracture. What's the back story?

  3. OUCH! That is a very cool x-ray, though!

  4. Oh...glasses can sometimes be protective but other times an extra hazard :-(

  5. Oh my! I apologize for laughing, but I did for a's amazing how these little tots can rack up collateral damage in a hurry! LOL! Glad you are ok, and I am sure only you notice the bump.


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