
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hitch #1

We made it to San Juan on time with only one small (OK, BIG!) hitch...

When we got to the mainland, my car wouldn't start. So there I am, standing with the jumper cables in my hand trying to look pathetic, hoping that someone will take pity on me and stop and help. K, the other chaperone, had gone to get gas before giving me a jump for fear he would run out. It ended up being a good thing he left because...

Soon N and F arrived and offered to help me jump the car. F hooked up the cables and we waited but nothing happened: no clicking, no turning over, nothing; just silence... So N looks at me and says, "Why don't you guys just take my car."

"We're going on the senior trip and will be gone for like, a week," I say. "No problem," she says, "I won't need it before that. Just let me get my car seats out."

No where else in the world would someone I know (but not really well) just offer up her car to me for an entire week. Yet another reason living on the island I do with the people I do is wonderful. THANK YOU N!


  1. That was SOOO nice of your friend. I don't know anyone that would do that for me. Even my close friends. We all use our cars on a daily basis! Can't wait to hear about your trip! I'm not supposed to be using my computer. It's about to die! I'll check back in a couple days, though!

  2. wow! that is two car incidents in a row when your "auto fairy" covered you hinney :-) people can truly be great


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