
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pillowcase Dress #1

I finished my first pillowcase dress for K last night. For her, it needed to be 20 inches long, which ended up being only 1/2 of the king sized pillowcase. I have enough matching fabric left to make either a little diaper cover or a hat, but I can't decide which to make. What do you think?


  1. SO cute! I think you should make her a little hat, since you've always got them in hats and sunscreen to protect their fair skin.

  2. Definitely a hat. This is so cute!

  3. Oh my gosh that is adorable!! I stumbled onto your site and have loved all I have seen over the last couple of weeks. If you make another one I would LOVE to see a tutorial. I just had my first baby girl 6 months ago and have wanted to make her one (for the future) her entire life ;)

  4. Love this liz... even though it may not be allen's favorite. I would suggest a bonnet too. Katie always looks so cute in a little hat and it may be nice to have a few extra on hand this summer. Love you guys!

  5. She looks gorgeous, and my vote would be a little hat.

  6. A little hat here, too... although bloomers are always darling.

    That's a great case! Super find!

  7. I was just thinking about pillow cases :-) and my choice is a hat for your little sweety.

  8. I vote for hat! The dress looks great. I did some sewing for our swap too. I like how your crayon rolls turned out! I need to put you on my bloglines before I forget....Meg

  9. This is very sweet! I love the colors in it. Thanks for stopping by my blog, too.

  10. The dress is beautiful. I would have never guessed it was made out of a pillowcase.

  11. Oh very cute! And so glad you have fabric left over!!! I'm thinking some bloomers. That's the number one issue we are having. Exposing herself in these dresses!

  12. My daughter will be a senior in high school, so the days of making sweet dresses like this for her are over. This dress is adoreable.

  13. I love that pillowcase and the little girl is adorable.

  14. This is great info to know.


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