
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Crayon Rolls

I managed to finish up my last crayon roll tonight thanks to the tutorial at Skip to My Lou. (I added the fold over flap to prevent the crayons from working their way out of the roll while being tossed around inside the diaper bag. My bag often takes quite a beating. )

Of course, the first one I made didn't turn out quite right... Perhaps because I got a little bit sidetracked and didn't read the directions as carefully as I needed to. Who me? Yeah... I skimmed instead of read and ended up making one and one half inch slots for the crayons instead of the correct one inch slots. Not a terrible mistake though, now two crayons fit in each slot instead of one. I'll keep that one for my diaper bag and give the other two away. To whom you ask? I can't say just yet, it's a surprise.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. And thanks for the words of support, it's just a bad week for me.

    I enjoyed looking around your blog, I will definately be back. Loved the cookie hamburger idea, and I really like your first quilt. Consider it Vintage, we all lived through the 80's we understand LOL

    For me, I have the cursed hunter green and burgundy quilt *sigh*

    I would love to hear more about your Island, it sounds like such a fascinating place to live. I think you should take us on a blog tour of the island. How big is it? How many people live there?

  2. I love the blog tour idea. Perhaps I can do it this summer - when things will look MUCH nicer.

  3. Ahhhh.. so cute! I saw these on Skip to my Lou, but since I don't sew, I will never (a word I rarely use) get around to making them.

  4. I love your crayon rolls! What a cute idea! :)You are so talented!

  5. I like your choice of ribbons.

  6. Love the colors-- so spring-y and fresh.

  7. I would love a blog tour of your island as well! The crayon roll is too cute... thanks for a lovely distraction, as I have spent the last while catching up on all your great posts! Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  8. Very cute! I was pleased to find another blogger from Northern Michigan. I found you through a comment at Sew Mama Sew. It is good to see the ships back.


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