
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Felted / Fulled Thrift Shop Sweater Bag

I went to a few thrift shops with my mom this weekend while K and I was at my parent's house. I've wanted to try my hand at making a felted bag, so I was thrilled when I found a great 100% wool sweater for $4.00. I based my design on a pattern I found here, though I changed it a little since I wanted to line mine. (I thought it would be sturdier that way.) I really love the lining fabric! I bought it to make a bib to go in K's Easter basket - and it matched the sweater perfectly. (Luckily I bought a half yard extra.) All in all I think it took me about three or four hours. Not bad considering I haven't made many bags.

I also found these little gems for $1.00 while thrifting yesterday. I love thrift shops! I remember making potholders on a loom like this when I was a kid. I hope my two little ones enjoy them. If not, I'm out a buck and I'll have fun make potholders for stocking stuffers. I know how to use the loom, but I can't remember how to use the knitting spool. Thank goodness for Google...


  1. While it may be really sad as a comment, I still have the original ones I had back then. We made some out of wooden spools & nails- the yarn went down through the opening in the spool & mde a (eventually) really long piece we'd coil & stitch together to make various shapes & objects. The potholder loom is a classic. I also have a beding loom somewhere & goodness only knows what else!

  2. Oh...Elizardbeth! I got you linked on my blog, too, now!

  3. I had that pot holder loom too when I was a little girl. It brings back good memories just seeing a picture of it.


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