Remember that Lego birthday party we did earlier this fall? It's taken me forever to get this post together, but I couldn't not make my son a Lego birthday shirt.
I searched for a pre-made lego minifig pattern (for you non-legoers, a minifig is the technical term for the little Lego people) but I couldn't find one. No biggie - I made my own. If you would like to use it, click on the image below and download it. You probably can just print it out, but I opened it in Word, reset the margins to .5 inch all the way around the and inserted the image. At full size it should be 7.5 inches across by 10 inches tall. At least, that's how I did it. I suppose you could also just print it out and resize it on a copier...

I did not use the raw edge technique for this applique, so there is no seam allowance included in the pattern. Instead, I traced the pieces onto fusible-web and appliqued it that way.
The dashed lines are to help you with placement. The head and the hands go underneath the shirt, as does the top of the pants. For the face, I just used a colon and a parenthesis :) that I resized until I was happy with it. For the number, just print the number you need in a font you like and resize it until you are happy with it. Then trace it onto your fusible web upside down - that way it will be correct when you iron it onto the shirt.
If you aren't sure how to do applique, you could use the tutorial here. However, I did not use a zig-zag stitch like in the tutorial, I straight stitched about 1/8 of an inch inside the edge of each piece (using my edge stitch foot) and sealed the edges of the fabric with Fray Check. It's been through the wash five or six times so far and it still looks great! (Though I do wash it inside out.)
What do you think?
That shirt is wonderful! My DS is a huge LEGO fan too. He's going to use them in his Science Fair project this year. :)
adorable! This is so son is so into Legos...this would be a fun gift idea! Thanks for sharing.
Great job! Your kids are going to talk about all these birthday parties when they are in their teens and twenties...You're making such great mom memories.
That's fantastic! Thanks for the pattern and tutorial. :o)
Awesome!! I have done Lego mini-figure paintings for my son's room... he has Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter, still working on Indiana Jones...
Pictures of them are on my Jan 10, 2011 post. :)
How cute! And your Halloween costumes were adorable also. Very creative and fun. Happy Friday!!
Oh Liz!!! It turned out great!!
I bet your little man was totally excited about it!
WOW! This is great! I'd love to do these for my gr-sons (Lego fanatics to the MAX!). But I have not been able to do crafts for at least 8 years, due to space restrictions. However, that should be changing shortly (new addition to house husband's business and give me my sewing room back!!)
But I don't see here what type of material to use for the applique? Or maybe I'm missing something . . .
Thanks for sharing your pattern! This is the best idea and has enabled me to make something for all the little boys in my life.
This is wonderful! I'm tempted to make a shirt like this for my younger brother just for nostalgia's sake, even though he's not quite young enough for a Lego shirt anymore. ;)
(I found your blog through Coletterie's link to your button organizer)
I just went to out this weekend and collected to few things needed to make three of these shirts. We are throwing our oldest son (turning 5) a Lego themed birthday party next month. Our three little ones will each wear one of these shirts!! Thank you for such a great idea, the template and for showing us how its done :) I will be sure to post a photo :)
Thank you for the patterns - the shirt is great! Have you ever tried the fabric paint/ freezer paper stencil method? I just tried it out and it was pretty easy, especially since I don't sew well. If my other son has a Lego party - I will definitely be making one of these!
Thanks so much for sharing the pattern! I'm not so great at sewing, so I used a freezer paper stencil to paint it on. My son is SO excited to wear it to his birthday party.
Thanks for the pattern! My son was so glad
I'm the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your shirt! You can see it here:
If you have other kid-friendly crafts, we'd love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a wonderful project idea!
My grandson turns 5 this week and we are going to Legoland to celebrate.
I can't tell you how happy I was to run across this post. I used wool felt for the applique. He will love it. Thank you!!
(I'm a Michigander, too, although I live in San Francisco. Miss the beautiful Fall and Spring seasons.)
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