
Sunday, June 27, 2010


We left Papa at home and headed south for some fun; a long way south. One of the highlights for the kids (apart from having Grandma and Grampie's undivided attention) was visiting Spring Mill State Park. They loved the trip into Twin Caves.

First we had to get a life jacket,

then we walked down the path,

and waited for the next boat.

Then it was time to get into the boat. We ventured about 600 feet into the cave on a specially designed boat - just wide enough to pass through the narrowest part of the cave.

The trip may have only lasted about 20 minutes, but the kids really enjoyed it. Though, if you asked the kids what was their favorite part of visiting Grandma and Grampie, I think Jiffy Treat (similar to a Dairy Queen) might win!

Next stop: Uncle Bill's...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A First

Mackinac Mittens has its first ever trunk show the other day. We managed to sell 15 pair of mittens during our two four-hour days. It was great fun. Watching someone you don't know try on something you made, and then shell out their hard earned money to buy it is quite rewarding. My favorite was a woman who was downright giddy to find a blue hat.

Making these mittens has been an interesting experience. Right now the three of us are trying hard just to keep up with the demand in the two stores here on Mackinac Island. Yesterday I got an email from a shop owner in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, and she wants to sell them in her store, too. I don't know if we'll sell them off the island, but it was pretty exciting just to be asked.

On the grandma front, all is well. In fact, she has improved dramatically since she has stopped taking all of her medications. She is doing so well that my mom is moving her out of hospice and into an assisted living facility. Thank you everyone for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Know that they have been greatly appreciated!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


A week or so ago my husband discovered a wonderful little lake in Mackinaw City. At its deepest point it's only about 10 feet, so it's a perfect spot for adventurous little ones. My daughter was content to build sand castles on an old cinder block, but my son was in heaven. He and Papa waded around the edge of the lake - stopping to investigate every last inch. S found clams, crayfish, turtle eggs, shed insect exoskeletons and numerous other treasures, that much to his dismay, his horrible mother made him leave behind. In the end he agreed that the living clams really would be better off if he left them in the lake, and on two clam shells instead. If you live anywhere near Mackinaw City, Michigan, French Farm Lake is worth the trip.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hello and Goodbye

Life has been hectic lately. The end of the school year with its report cards, room clean-up, inventory and permanent record updating usually throws me into a tail spin, but this year it's worse. So much worse. Several weeks ago my grandma (the one I wrote about here) went into hospice. Saying goodbye has been sad - even though I support her choice to stop taking her medications and let nature take its course. Despite the stress of dealing with her impending death, there has been a silver lining...

I took this photo on the first day my mother and her two surviving brothers had been in the same room in over 25 years. Yes, you read that right - 25 years. No, there wasn't a falling out; just a great deal of geography between them. Uncle Rob lived in Ecuador and then Japan, Uncle Andrew moved to Arkansas and my mom remained in Michigan (though she has been in Egypt for two years.) You should have seen grandma's face light up when the three of them walked into her room together. It was such a beautiful thing.

Blogging in these parts will be sporadic at best for the next little while. The kids and I will be spending quite a bit of time off the island with their Great Grandma. I'll still be crafting and trying to post, but I want to savor every minute with grandma we have left...