
Thursday, January 25, 2024


It's been an odd week. We generally don't get fog in the wintertime, but Mackinac Island has been blanketed in fog since Monday. I miss the old days when the foghorn ran whenever it was foggy. Now, ships have to key their radio on a certain frequency to turn it on, so we hear it much less frequently. No foghorn today, but we did get to hear three or four freighters sound their horns as they passed by.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

I May Have a Problem

I see Mackinac Island everywhere.
I've seen it on the dray, on on the street
and now I'm seeing it in my dinner.
What would Freud say?
Do I have a problem?

Friday, January 12, 2024

Yum Yum


Store made pizza in January may not be a big deal to you, but to those of us living on Mackinac Island this winter, it's a huge deal! Being able to get hot, fresh, not-made-at-home pizza in January is a real treat! Island Slice has never stayed open in the winter, but I'm guessing they decided to this year due to the numerous building projects going on. We'll see what they decide to do if / when the boats quit running, but until then my daughter and I are going to get pizza once a week just because we can.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 Every year I try to have my students sew an ornament as a gift for their family. This year they made mini-quilts. And I have to say, they did an amazing job. 

Believe it or not, pictured above is this year's fourth, fifth, and sixth grade class (minus one who left a day early for vacation.) So yes, the entire fourth - sixth grade is nine students (five fourth graders, two fifth graders, and two sixth graders.) Teaching three grades worth of material is a challenge, but at our little school sometimes our numbers force us to get creative. Luckily all nine of them are delightful and make me smile every day!