
Sunday, August 27, 2017


This past weekend ended up being rather hectic after my dad was in a bike accident. He's just fine now, but when he was dizzy and nauseous after hitting his head, we were quite concerned.

A trip to the ER, three staples, and a night in the hospital later, the neurologist was confident he was just suffering from a nasty concussion. A few days of rest  and he should be as good as new.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Today's Giggle

I stopped at my favorite thrift shop the other day and giggled when I saw this. I'm not sure why I found it so funny, but it made me laugh out loud...

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Lucky Girl


A few days ago my daughter decided to look for four leaf clovers in our front yard.

After finding her first one, she ran in the house, excited to show us her find. But, of course, one clover wasn't enough, so she popped back outside to keep looking.

By the end of her search, she'd found a total of five, four leaf clovers. All five of them are currently tucked away in my Grandma's giant dictionary until we can get a frame for them. Looking back, I think we should have gone down to Doud's that day to get a lottery ticket.